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Making Time For Romance

Sincere apologies, dear Reader. It has been woefully long since I last posted here when I had such good intentions! I had been hard at work on the first instalment of what is very likely to be an ongoing series - featuring the guys and gals of the Brother Tigers motorcycle club. And now I've finished it! So, for a little while at least, I have some downtime and my first thought was to come here and say hello, and also beg forgiveness for being so long absent.

At this stage I'm not lucky enough to be able to work on my stories as much as I would like, fitting in a few words here, a paragraph there whenever I can to keep the process going. (even a napkin and a hastily-scribbled note will do in a pinch)

I work full-time like many of you in order to keep a roof over my head and pay the bills but writing continues to be my passion outside the 9-5. If I'm not working, I'm working!

When I really get into a story, most other things fall by the wayside and it's often only when one story is published and before the next one begins, that I have both the time and the headspace to catch up on the things that I've let slip.

(I have a mountain of cleaning, sewing and home maintenance to fit in in that short space before it begins all over again!!)

So, again dear Reader, I beg your forgiveness for being silent. I am however resolved to coming here more often and wittering on about things so I hope you will join me when *YOU* have time ;-)

Best wishes,

Tabitha xx

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